Healthy People
Get Cancer, too

eBook Version Available Soon!

My Story
"I was just cruising along, a respected, highly credentialed yacht captain. So yes, that was a pun back there (cruising). And then my life went off course. Or sideways. Or pear shaped. Or crazy. Pick your own adjective."
​Healthy People Get Cancer Too is a lighthearted yet poignant look at how to get through the curveball called cancer, with grace and laughter.
"I truly believe that at this point, every person knows someone who has been touched by some type of cancer. And when it was me, having very little family, I had no choice but to learn quickly. Because when you don't have someone to advocate for you, you have to do it yourself. And your life depends on it."
Formats Available

Healthy People Get Cancer, too
eBook Coming Soon

In The Press
Healthy People Can get cancer. Sometimes being healthy has nothing to do with it.